Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Rabbi Friend

This is a hilarious story and I wanted to share it with everyone. (Mom, I hope you don't mind!)

So my mom gives one of our a uncles a ride to work sometimes, and he works at a kosher chicken processing plant. Because it's kosher, there's a rabbi who overseas their process to make sure that they don't cut corners and he signs of on it being kosher food. Well, this particular rabbi doesn't drive and likes to smoke. And my mom saw over the course of several weeks that every Tuesday this Rabbi walked alone from the plant to a convinience store a certain distance away. Being the kind and generous person she has always been, she decided one day to stop and offer the man a ride. And he accepted. The next Tuesday he flagged her down. Then he started waiting for her. And now, every Tuesday, she gives him a ride to that convenience store, where he buys a pack of smokes and goes on his way.

Yesterday, Michael emailed my mom (because they do that a lot) and asked about the Rabbi. This was my mom's reply:

Indeed I gave the Rabbi a ride today. I gave him a ride last Tuesday for the first time after not seeing him for several weeks and it was funny...He spotted me very close to the plant parking lot, I stopped, he got in the car quicker than usual and before he finished buckling the seatbelt he said "you can go", I did not move, so he buckled nervously and said "go". As I was driving away I noticed that under the trees on the side of the parking lot there was another Rabbi observing us with a very stern look...and I thought maybe the Rabbi friend would be reprimanded and wouldn't ask for rides anymore...but no...he was there today again.

If I were a more dedicated writer, I would write a book called Our Rabbi Friend and it would tell about what happens between Tuesdays at the plant parking lot.

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