Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Paulo Freire

For a long time now, I've seen folks quote Freire though I never knew exactly who he was or why he was so famous. I'm not sure why, by in my mind I think I had melded him with Pablo Neruda: South American, wise, quotable, from a time before I was born? Anyway, I eventually realized he had a lot to do with community organizing and education, and I figured I should read more about him. I never quite got to it until this semester, when we were assigned to write a brief profile on a figure in Adult Education history.

Here's what I wrote:

Paulo Freire is best known for his work in literacy education for poverty-stricken Brazil and for the development of critical philosophy in the field of education.  Freire was born in 1921 in the city of Recife in Northeast Brazil and grew up in the global economic crisis of the 1930s.  Freire began teaching in an elementary school while still in high school, but left teaching and went on to pursue a career in law.  While in law school, he met his wife, Elza Maia Costa de Oliveira, who was herself an elementary school teacher.  Freire left law and returned to education.  When he told his wife that he was leaving law, she replied, “I was hoping for that.  You’re an educator” (Freire, as cited in Lownd, n.d.)
Freire career advanced quickly.  In 1946, he was appointed director at Pernambuco Department of Education and Culture of SESI, a government-operated education agency, funded by a consortium of local industries and charged with assisting workers and their families (Lownd, n.d.).  In 1957, he became the Director of the Division of Research and Planning.  In 1959 he submitted his PhD thesis, “Present-day Education in Brazil,” and was appointed as Professor of History and Philospohy of Education at the School of Fine Arts.  In 1961, Freire became the Director of Culture and Recreation of the City of Recife’s Department of Archives and Culture, and in 1963 he was appointed by the governor to the “Pioneer Council Members” Department of Archives and Culture. (Lownd, n.d.)
During this time, Freire also began developing the concept of conscientisation, “a discourse of transformative hope; a hope against the evidence that recognises the obstacles before it and yet grows in strength in spite of these” (Webb, 2010, p 335).  This process came through the literacy and the study of language in a practical and socially relevant context (“A Brief Biography of Paulo Freire,” n.d.).  This process was enacted in “cultural circles”, and in 1962, Freire was commissioned by the Brazilian government to pilot the program; in 45 days 300 farmworkers had learned to read and write.  Because of the success of the program, the program was expanded, but the 1964 coup d’etat ended the educational activities and Freire was first sentenced to prison and later exiled as a traitor to Brazil. (“A Brief Biography of Paulo Freire,” n.d.)
From 1964 to 1969, Freire lived in Chile where we worked in Adult Education with organizations focused on agricultural and land reform.  From there, he came to Cambridge, Massachusetts as a visiting professor at Harvard.  In 1970, he published his first book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed.  Then he began working with the World Council of Churches Geneva, Switzerland.  Finally, he was able to return to Brazil in 1980 where he joined the Worker’s Party and supervised their adult literacy projects.  In 1988, Freire became the Minister of Education for the city of Sao Paolo. He continued to work for the good of Brazil and received a number of awards preceding his death in 1997.
Freire’s contribution to education has been monumental, both in terms of scholarly work as well as in the number of individuals who directly benefitted from his work.  The 1960s and 70s were a tumultuous time in Latin America, fraught with severe economic disparity, political unrest, and seemingly contagious coup d’etats.  Freire’s work was born out of the tensions that existed at the time and continues to be relevant to literacy and education, for both students as well as educators.  Worldwide, literacy and access to education continues to be a privilege of the wealthy, though some countries have made better provisions for public education than others.  Not only did Freire advocate for access to education, but he offered a theoretical framework for how education should be approached in a socio-political context focused on justice and inclusion.  As English and Stengel write, “How did Freire help students break the cycle of fear?  He did so by emphasizing the social value of learning and the discipline of cultural reflection” (2010, p. 537).  This work is of particular interest to me for a variety of reasons, primary of which is my work with disadvantaged and displaced workers and other vulnerable populations. 


A brief biography of Paulo Freire. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ptoweb.org/aboutpto/a-brief-biography-of-paulo-freire/

English, A., & Stengel, B. (2010). Exploring Fear: Rousseau, Dewey, and Freire on Fear and Learning. Educational Theory, 60(5), 521–542. doi:10.1111/j.1741-5446.2010.00375.x

Lownd, P. (n.d.). A brief biography of Paulo Freire. Retrieved from http://www.paulofreireinstitute.org/

Webb, D. (2010). Paulo Freire and “the need for a kind of education in hope.” Cambridge Journal of Education, 40(4), 327–339. doi:10.1080/0305764X.2010.526591

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