Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Growing Up

Lately, I've been feeling waves of adulthood overcoming me. This afternoon, as I drove down Landis Ave, I thought to myself, "I own this car. I own something that costs a couple thousand dollars and I am 100% responsible for it's welfare." Okay, so not 100% since Michael deals with the car stuff, but if it breaks down or I get into an accident that's on grown-up me and grown-up Michael.

And yesterday at the Doctor's, she and I talked about my cholesterol. I have never had a conversation about my cholesterol before.

And today, I interviewed for another position (long story; I probably won't get it and I'm okay with that) and as said thank you and good bye to my interviewers, I thought about how freaked out I would have been about that this time last year. It was a phone interview over a conference line with a panel of three interviewers. EEEK! But I was okay today, confident in my own skin, unafraid to ask questions and make comments. I don't think I impressed them very well, but I'm okay with that. They might not think much about living in China for two years or planning a year's worth of advertising for a glass manufacturer, but I'm impressed. And I'm impressed that their impression of me doesn't much affect me.

I walked back out to my car to go back to my office (I'd come home for lunch and the interview), and thought to myself, "This is grown up Elena. I like it."


  1. I'm glad you like "grown-up Elena." I'm still not sure how I feel about "grown-up Laura." Sure, it has its perks (no curfew! brownies whenever I want! coffee!) but growing up sure is expensive (health insurance! car insurance! taxes!) and I don't like it. :P

  2. I am very impressed... Anyone that can navigate the streets of wuhan and find a chinese thrift store and order food for a large group in chinese should be immediately hired
