I got a new job.
For the last couple weeks I have been thinking to myself, there was something I was going to post about...I need to write a blog...what was I going to blog about? Just now, I remembered. I was going to blog about my new job.
I'll be working at a place called Worldwide Glass Resources. My title will be Associate Chromatography Product Manager. My actual day-to-day job is somewhat amorphous, but I've been telling people that it's marketing and sales. In the first year I'm going to learn all about glass, glass manufacturing, sales, marketing, and customer relations. Plus I'll get to do lots of writing, including revamping the web content and the product catalog. I am very excited about all these things.
I know a great number of you are thinking, "But Elena? What about California? And Linguistics? And life overseas?" Those are all very valid questions. And the only answer I can think to give you is that the good Lord does things in the fullness of time. And right now, it seems, my time will be full of Chromatography products.
We're thinking a lot right now about Michael going back to school, which my single self had not fully taken into account and my transitioning-into-one-flesh-with-a-complete-other-person self was trying to compromise priorities with. We still want California--and I definitely still want Linguistics--and an eventual life overseas, but I am realizing that even a month ago, I wasn't thinking "what's best for my family?" only, "what would I want to do with my life?" And that's not really a good place to be.
So I'm glad God does things in his fullness of time. Because he's giving me some time to learn some good things.
Amongst other things, perhaps not as blog-worthy, I have been learning to speak up for myself, to be realistically ambitious, to take risks, and to let people believe in me. These are also good lessons.
Today was my last day at the diner. I hugged the girls goodbye and waved to all the cooks and clocked out for the last time. I came home feeling a certain lightness I haven't felt in a long time. Yeah, God does things in the fullness of time.
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