We'd flown in that morning, and I'd taken a moment to read my email. Laura had sent one saying, "You should meet a guy named Peeps and totally fall in love with him." I laughed, and dismissed it.
And that afternoon, after I got back from watching Chocolate--a strange and wonderful Thai boxing movie--we got back to the hotel and ran into a guy named Michael. Ross, who'd met him before, introduced him to us and we went into the hotel and he headed off to wherever he was going.
I saw him in the hotel dining room the next morning at breakfast, and in the lobby later, and in the elevator. The elevator was one of those mirrored boxes where if you're riding with a stranger, you have no where to look except at the little display that tells you the floor numbers. And once, I rode that elevator with Michael, and as I watched the floor numbers change, I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be funny if Michael were Peeps?"
And on Friday, we went and had lunch at Sojo's or whatever that really awesome western food restaurant is called. And Michael was in there, and we asked him to come sit with us and we spent a lovely lunch all of talking and laughing.
Than Dan turns to Michael and says, "Hey, Mike--wait, do you go by Mike or by Michael?" And Michael replied, "Actually everyone calls me Peeps."
I was eating a delicious pulled pork sandwich at that moment and proceeded to choke. Peeps. The one Laura told me to fall in love with. The one I'd been checking out in the elevator. "Just eat your sandwich, Elena. Just eat your sandwich and don't be stupid."
And just then, Michael/Peeps says, "I think linguists are really fascinating people," and I choke a little more and my friend Matt says to Michael/Peeps, "You should talk to Elena then, because that's all she ever talks about it and we don't want to hear it anymore."
Michael and I did eventually talk, and then he started emailing, and then he started texting, and then calling, until finally he got on a plane and came to Philly and asked me to marry him. And I said yes.
I like it. Very much, so.